T. Shamba, A. Neproshin |
2004 г. |
АПСУАРАА: Абхазия, Агрба, Амичба...Б: Басария, Барцыц, Бройдо...В: Воробьев, Воронов...Г: Гулиа, Гунба...Д: Данилов, Дасаниа, Джемакулова, Джихашвили...Е, Ё: ...Ж: Жидков...З: ...И: Инал-Ипа Ш.Д....К: Капба, Козэль, Кудрявцев, Кунижева...Л: Лакоба...М: Мандельштам, Монперэ...Н: Неруда...О: Олонецкий...П: Паустовский, Приключения нарта Сасрыквы, Прокопий Кесарийский...Р: Рихтер, Румянцев...С: Сенковский, Сент-Совер, Студеникин...Т: Тарнава, Торнау, Тхайцухов...У: ...Ф: Франгуланди...Х: Хотко...Ц: Цвижба...Ч: Челеби, Чкадуа, Чурсин...Ш, Щ: Шамба, Шанава, Шария...Э: ...Ю: ...Я: ...Родственные проекты:ХРОНОСФОРУМ ХРОНОСАРУМЯНЦЕВСКИЙ МУЗЕЙДОКУМЕНТЫ XX ВЕКАПРАВИТЕЛИ МИРАВОЙНА 1812 ГОДАСЛАВЯНСТВПЕРВАЯ МИРОВАЯЭТНОЦИКЛОПЕДИЯРУССКОЕ ПОЛЕМОСКОВИЯ |
Т.М. Шамба и А.Ю. НепрошинAbkhaziaLegal basis of statehood and sovereignty Shamba T., Neproshin А. Abkhazia: Legal basis of statehood and sovereignty. М: Open Company "In-Oktavo", 2005, 240 pages. ContentsPreface to the second edition. Chapter I. Abkhazians - ancient ethnos with original culture. 1.2. Ethnogenesis of the people of Transcaucasia. 1.3. Transcaucasia and Georgia. 1.5. Ethnos and territory of Abkhazia.
Chapter 2. Statehood of Abkhazia. 2.2. Transcaucasia as a part of the Russian empire. 2.3. Abkhazia as a part of the Russian empire. 2.4. Expansion of Georgia and struggle of Abkhazians for independence. 2.5. The Soviet Abkhazia - the sovereign state. 2.6. The Abkhazian statehood during the post-Soviet period.
Chapter 3. Legal basis of statehood. 3.1. Sovereignty and general provisions of international law. 3.2. Historical aspects of the sovereignty of Abkhazia. 3.3. Legal confirmations of statehood of Abkhazia. 3.4. Statehood and the sovereignty of Abkhazia. 3.5. Georgian aggression and attempted annexation of Abkhazia. 3.6. About so-called “refugees”. 3.7. The role of international organisations in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. 3.8. Prospects of a decision to the problem. List of tribes, nationalities and geographic names. Shamba T., Neproshin А. Abkhazia: Legal basis ¬ of statehood and sovereignty. М: Open Company "In-Oktavo", 2005, 240 pages. УДК 323.17(479.2=946.113) Using hundreds of published sources and documentary materials devoted to Abkhazia and the Abkhazian people, the authors in this new processed edition of the book, which caused considerable interest when first published in 2003, present to the reader historical certificates of the origin,¬ formation and development of Abkhazian statehood and the regulatory legal acts confirming the sovereignty of the country from ¬ the most ancient times to the present. ISBN 5-87827-223-7 © T.Shamba, A.Neproshin, 2004. 2004. Далее читайте:Абхазы - (самоназвание апсуа) автохтонное население Кавказа. Абхазия (краткая историческая справка). Исторические лица Абхазии (биографический справочник).
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