T. Shamba, A. Neproshin |
2004 г. |
АПСУАРАА: Абхазия, Агрба, Амичба...Б: Басария, Барцыц, Бройдо...В: Воробьев, Воронов...Г: Гулиа, Гунба...Д: Данилов, Дасаниа, Джемакулова, Джихашвили...Е, Ё: ...Ж: Жидков...З: ...И: Инал-Ипа Ш.Д....К: Капба, Козэль, Кудрявцев, Кунижева...Л: Лакоба...М: Мандельштам, Монперэ...Н: Неруда...О: Олонецкий...П: Паустовский, Приключения нарта Сасрыквы, Прокопий Кесарийский...Р: Рихтер, Румянцев...С: Сенковский, Сент-Совер, Студеникин...Т: Тарнава, Торнау, Тхайцухов...У: ...Ф: Франгуланди...Х: Хотко...Ц: Цвижба...Ч: Челеби, Чкадуа, Чурсин...Ш, Щ: Шамба, Шанава, Шария...Э: ...Ю: ...Я: ...Родственные проекты:ХРОНОСФОРУМ ХРОНОСАРУМЯНЦЕВСКИЙ МУЗЕЙДОКУМЕНТЫ XX ВЕКАПРАВИТЕЛИ МИРАВОЙНА 1812 ГОДАСЛАВЯНСТВПЕРВАЯ МИРОВАЯЭТНОЦИКЛОПЕДИЯРУССКОЕ ПОЛЕМОСКОВИЯ |
Т.М. Шамба и А.Ю. НепрошинAbkhaziaLegal basis of statehood and sovereigntyChapter 3. Legal basis of statehood3.8. Prospects of a decision to the problemInternational public law says: at the moment of destruction of a former state system (which the Soviet Union was) and with the organisation of a new one (the Republic of Abkhazia), when the old power concedes reins to the new government, and if this separation process is finished and confirmed by the national will of the people, with a recognition of independence by other governments de facto, all previous agreements and treaties lose their validity. Actually, the newly appeared sovereign state initially inherits the recognized rights and duties of a subject of international law, and then acquires new ones (clausia rebus sie stantibus). With the disintegration of the USSR, the status of Abkhazia as a state was changed, and all international treaties were automatically invalidated owing to this, or to the special statement that corresponds to item 16 of the Viennese convention on the assignment of states concerning treaties, from August 23rd, 1978: “A new independent state is not obliged to keep any treaty in force, or to become its participant, simply because of the fact that at the moment of state assignment this treaty was in force concerning the territory which is the object of the assignment of the states”. As to the problem of international recognition of the independence of Abkhazia after the disintegration of the USSR and creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), it is necessary to note that by 1990 the statehood of the Transcaucasian republics had not been formed according to the laws concerning the formation of the CIS, though attention was directed to the question of revival of the updated union and on the possibility of self-determination of each nation. The form of the new states was also not defined. Thus Georgia as a sovereign state should not have received recognition, as any decisions concerning the priorities of one nation affected the interests of others. Various obligations of international documents have legal abilities to form one indissoluble whole, and the parts concerning Abkhazia and its sovereignty should not have been separated from other parts of the same treatise. But the world community, pursuing its aims of the quickest disintegration of the USSR, shut its eyes to this essential infringement of international law and quickly recognised the sovereignty of Georgia. We should notice that the deadlock which Abkhazia has reached in its attempts to restore its sovereignty was created by an information war. It is clear that this has been planned by the Georgian government, which in every possible way tries to convince the international community about discrimination against the Georgian people making the majority of the population of the country in Abkhazia. Dear reader, think about that twaddle - there are 95 thousand people now representing the Abkhazian ethnos, who have gone through genocide from Georgia throughout almost a century, and been subjected to discrimination by the Georgian part of the population of Abkhazia, which was 250 thousand people. As well as this, all managerial posts in the country belonged to Georgians, and a policy of Georgianisation of the language, culture and consciousness of Abkhazians was followed, controlled by the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Army i.e. the power structures which were under the full control of Georgia. Nothing but gibberish! It is amazing that the Georgian view is supported by the international community in the name of the United Nations, the CSCE, etc. Even the most simple question - a recognition of the act of aggression by Georgia in relation to Abkhazia which was the victim, has not been solved. The Security Council, into whose duties enter official confirmation of the fact of aggression, cannot and does not do this concerning Abkhazia, and simply does not prosecute the aggressor. In the case of a possible consideration of a question on the act of aggression, someone from the members of the Security Council can always use a veto, but after all this will not change features of the act of aggression representing intervention of the state in affairs of another with intention to force the other state to operate according to its will. We wish to show an interesting document clearly characterising double standards in the politics of Georgia and the inconsistency of its claims to Abkhazia. In the left-hand column we provide the full text of “the Statement about restoration of the state independence of Georgia”, in which the Georgian government proves the requirements for a recognition and restoration of the sovereignty of the country, and furnishes convincing proofs in favour of its recognition. In the right-hand column we have placed only some parts of actual and legal proofs stated by us in the present work, and have entered them into the text of the above Statement, but having shown the given items relating to Abkhazia. The Abkhazian government, unfortunately, has not prepared a similar document, therefore we will dare to execute it for them. Simultaneously, in italics we will note discrepancies and distortions, not affecting any validity, which occur in the Georgian original of the Statement.
There is a fair question, which is on what basis has Georgia, making all conceivable and inconceivable infringements of the norms of international law, been recognised as a sovereign state? And why cannot Abkhazia, possessing the same if not more powerful arguments in favour of its sovereignty, find the freedom and rights which it deserves and for which it has all historical and legislative grounds? Also, though the obvious does not require proof (manifestum non eget pro-batione), Abkhazia, given the position of the United Nations and the CSCE, will not be able to receive a fair decision from the international community. In our opinion, the only way to reach a positive decision in this matter is to knock on all doors and to prove the truth by means of legally convincing arguments. We hope that the present work will make a contribution towards untying this tightened knot. The ethnic conflict which took place in Abkhazia throughout XX century was a consequence of the presence of sharp national contradictions resulting from the strong dependence of the Abkhazian people on the ethnically alien Georgian state, and on subjective actions by the persons who were at the head of this state and its forces, and the policy followed by them. Such actions of the state, in relation to the Abkhazian ethnos, as genocide, deportation, various sorts of national infringements and restrictions (language, culture, the government) were indefensible. But this is the roughest infringement of international public law, as it appears the hostage of actions by private persons (Jus publicum privatorum'pactis mutari non potest). As an ethnos is a system of interconnected elements, any restriction to one of them (and furthermore to several simultaneously) will inevitably demand the restoration of these elements through a system of connections with a different community, and this leads to the ethnos replacement that is called genocide. We cannot be judges of our own case (пето index in causa sua), therefore we believe that for the definitive decision of this problem it is necessary to transfer the process of its consideration by international organisations into a legal channel and to start to work in a legal field defined by these organisations. The international community provides a complex of legal means for the peaceful solving of international disputes, namely: direct negotiations, intermediaries, the resolution of disputes by international organisations. In our opinion, the most effective solution could become the international investigatory procedure (inspection) i.e. investigation by an international body ( the international court or international arbitration) of the concrete circumstances and the fact sheet underlying the international disagreement. Though the conflict has reached a deadlock phase, it makes sense to again address those who will allow an investigation of its root causes by using legal means available to their organisation’s legal department. In this case there will not be inexpedient use of a solely historical approach in an estimation of possibilities of confirmation of the sovereignty of Abkhazia. Both parties should present their demonstrative data on the basis of legal documents concerning this question. In the final instance, there should be an international court or other impartial proxy body able to make a corresponding decision. Transfer of consideration of the question of sovereignty to a legal environment will outline at once the limits of consideration of the problem and will define the borders of use of legal documents as arguments by the contradictory parties.
Shamba T., Neproshin А. Abkhazia: Legal basis of statehood and sovereignty. М: Open Company "In-Oktavo", 2005, 240 pages. Далее читайте:Абхазы - (самоназвание апсуа) автохтонное население Кавказа. Абхазия (краткая историческая справка). Исторические лица Абхазии (биографический справочник).
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